All the Knitalongs

Dark green knitting on a sofa upholstered with Ikea fabric
Another dark day.

Hello all, I’m back! I have been lurking terribly here, dragging my feet on putting together posts about FOs. But there’s lots of energy everywhere else in the blogosphere. Kate Davies published a cardigan version of Owls, Laura Chau updated her Top Down Shoulder Warmer, and BOTH Tin Can Knits and Holla Knits are starting knitalongs. I’m not sure I can stand it.

The year is fresh enough that I feel like I can knit ALL THE THINGS. Right now I am attempting to focus on knitting a sweater for Melba: just one little project. Taking stock of all my yarn at the beginning of the month was good: it reminded me of all the projects I’d matched to stash yarn, projects that I’d love to knit and have. I haven’t decided yet, though. Join a knitalong and actually discipline myself to finish things? Or go along in my usual distractable, undisciplined way?

What goals do you have for your 2015 knitting?

4 responses to “All the Knitalongs”

  1. I’m working through my humongous list of UFOs. I’ve finished ten in the last 3 months…on to the next ten!

  2. I had a review of my stash (fabric and yarn) in early January, realised how much I had and how little I’d done, and like you I’ve set off to try and get a few things completed. Though I’ve procrastinated an awful lot and spent much time on Ravelry looking at projects that are not on the list. 🙂

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